Lose Weight in A Week Lime & Grapefruit Detox Water Recipe

Lose Weight in A Week with this healthy Lime and Grapefruit Detox Water Recipe. Can you really Lose Weight in 1 Week by only drinking this Lime and Grapefruit Detox water?

Losing weight in 7 days is not impossible, so yes, you can lose weight in a week by only drinking this detox water, but you may only lose a few pounds.

If you want to lose about 10 pounds in just 7 days or 1 week, then there are some steps outlined in this post that you will need to follow while you are drinking this 7 Days Lime and Grapefruit Detox Water at the same time.

TOTAL TIME: 4 - 5 Minutes
SERVES: 8 Cups
MEAL-TYPE: Beverage
DIET-TYPE: Vegan, Vegetarian

  • 1 Lime
  • 1 Grapefruit (Large) 
  • 1 Lime 64 ounces of water

Directions: How to make this 1-week detox water?

Step 1. Properly wash the Lime and Grapefruit in a bowl with clean water.

Step 2. Skilly and carefully use a sharp knife to slice Lime and Grapefruit into small pieces.

Step 3. Fill a big cup or a large jor with the 64 ounces of water.

Step 4. Add the sliced Lime and Grapefruit into the cup or jar with water and cover the cup or jar and place it in a cool and safe place to sit until the next morning or for 24 hours. Note: This water should not be consumed cold, so please do not place it in the freezer. You can place it in the cooler section of the fridge.

What can this 7 Days Lime and Grapefruit Detox Water do for You?

This 1 Week Lime and Grapefruit detox can work wonders for your health when combined with the right steps. It will help flush your body of parasites, wastes and help you to lose weight in a week

Is this 1 Week Lime and Grapefruit detox water for you?

If you are not pregnant and are not allergic to Lime or Grapefruit and want to burn some weight in no more than 7 days, then this 1-week weight loss program is designed for you to sheds those unwanted pounds and be able to fit yourself back into your own clothes.

What is this 7 Days Detox Water made from?

As the title of the post stated, so it is. It is only made from Lime, Grapefruit, and Water.

What are the proofs that Lime, Grapefruit, Water can help you lose weight?

Not a problem. Proof you want, then proof it is that you shall get.

Proof that Lime can help you lose weight

One of the nutritional facts about Lime is that it has 29.1 milligrams of vitamin C. It is important to note that lime is also rich in minerals like calcium, iron, copper, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium as well as vitamins like folate, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

Wow! Now let us only focus on the Vitamin C in Lime alone in a detailed way. According to a study done in June 2005 in the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition", the more Vitamin C you eat or drink, the more likely it will be for you to have your body weight or mass lowered than anyone else who is not getting the same amount of Vitamin C as you are consuming.

If this proof? Yes, because the Vitamin C is in the Lime and you cannot separate them.

I hope that you have been satisfied with this proof and if not, just do a google search with the phrase "Vitamin C for Weight Loss" and when you are finished watching videos and reading articles about it, go ahead and also type in "Vitamin C in Lime". I am sure you will be convinced by then.

Proof that Grapefruit can help you lose weight

One of the nutritional facts about Grapefruit is that it has 31.2 milligrams of vitamin C. With all the knowledge you have just gain about Vitamin C, do you still want us to give you more proof?

If your answer is yes, then here you go. In a study led by Dr. Ken Fujioka at the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center, Obese people who ate half a grapefruit before meals for 12 weeks lost significantly more weight than a control group that was not eating Grapefruit.

Proof that Water can help you lose weight

Do you really want me to give you a proof for this? I am sure somebody's common senses are being active at this moment. I really do not feel like giving you any proof for this but nevertheless; I will give you a proof.

According to a study published on 06 September 2012 on Wiley Online library and endorsed by PubMed.Gov, the conclusion was
"Absolute and relative increases in drinking water were associated with significant loss of body weight and fat over time, independent of covariates."

Dr. Tammy Chang, an assistant professor in the department of family medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School, Stated
"Staying hydrated is good for you no matter what, and our study suggests it may also be linked to maintaining a healthy weight. Our findings suggest that hydration may deserve more attention when thinking about addressing obesity on a population level."

Now that you have a bit of confidence in DetoxFeed, let us move on to the next exciting step, which will be making the Lime and Grapefruit Detox Water that will help you lose weight in a week.

What will you need to do this 7 Days Lime and Grapefruit Detox Cleanse?

You will need a 64 ounces water bottle that you can carry around to drink 8 of the 8-ounce cups of water. We strongly suggest you buy this water bottle on eBay called the Coldest Water Bottle because it can keep your water cool for up to 36 hours. See it below.

How often should you change the fruits in this 1 week Lime and Grapefruit detox water bottle?

Some persons change the fruits every 48 hours but we suggest that you change it every 24 hours to get the best results, because most, if not all of the nutrients from the fruits would have been infused into the water by the time it reaches 24 hours.

Now that you know how to make this detox water and how often you should change the fruits in the bottle, let us move on to the next step, which will show how to do the cleanse.

How should you do this 7 days detox cleanse?

Please follow these steps to do the Lime and Grapefruit detox:

  1. After you have finished making your detox water, let it sit until the next morning
  2. When you get up from bed in the morning, pour the water from the cup or jar into your water bottle.
  3. Before you eat any breakfast, drink 1 of the 8-ounce cup of this detox water on your empty stomach; this should be 30 minutes before you eat anything.
  4. After you have eaten your first meal, wait for 1 hour to drink another cup of this water and then continue drinking 1 cup afterward every one and a half hours or every 1 hour and 30 minutes until the water is finished.

What other steps do you need to follow to ensure that you lose up to 10 pounds in 1 week?

These steps are the most important steps of everything that you have read. If you follow them, I am sure that you will lose probably more than 10 pounds.

Steps to follow:
  1. Get at least 30 minutes worth of exercise each morning and breathe deeply while exercising. It would be best if you exercise in the morning sun to get your vitamin D.
  2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Don’t drink all the water at once, but drink it throughout the day. Don’t drink water or juice while eating, because this will interrupt digestion of food, but you can drink it 30 minutes before you eat or 2 hours after you have eaten.
  3. Go to your bed early, this should be between 8:30 PM and 9:30 PM.
  4. Your meal should be on time and eat two or three meals a day: 1 meal in the morning. This should be your heaviest meal of the day, 1 more meal in the afternoon or 1 in the evening before 6PM or Both evening and afternoon. Notice: Your stomach needs at-least 5 hours apart from each meal to rest and you should limit the intake of grease in your diet and eat less meat and more vegetables until you are able to go without eating meat and using grease (There is a wide variety of fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables to choose from and you can find nice recipe videos on YouTube). Don’t eat too much at one meal, don’t overwork and in fact, don’t overdo anything.
  5. Men: Dress properly in long sleeves shirt and long pant. Women: Dress properly in long sleeves blouse and long skirt. This enables both men and women to get proper blood circulation and prevent chills in the limps.
  6. Stay away from smoking, liquor and anything that has been fermented.
  7. Pray to God every morning and evening asking Him to heal you and He will heal you according to His Will (Exodus 15: 26 and Psalm 103: 1-4).

What are you suppose to do after you have finished doing this 7 days cleanse?

By the time you finished this entire program, of course, you should stop drinking the Lime and Grapefruit detox water, but you should have already started eating healthily. We encourage you to continue eating healthfully and continue to follow the outlined steps.

We are also encouraging you to buy this vegan recipe book from eBay called Straight from the Earth
and this one called Vegetarian Diet for Beginners. These books will help you to prepare and cook healthy and delicious meals that you will be able to enjoy. Click here to buy Straight from the Earth and Click here to buy Vegetarian Diet for Beginners.

We wish you success and God bless.

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